Thursday 15 September 2011

Call "self" in R function as an argument -

Call "self" in R function as an argument -

i wondering if there elegant way of calling "self" in r function. easy illustration modification of date, let's date in int format (like when read excel).

a = 41557 =, origin = "1899-12-30")

then "a" updated proper format. illustration simple, in context of long variable or more complicated procedure 1 utilize "self". exist in r. self meaning take variable @ left part of = sign.

a = 41557 =, origin = "1899-12-30") # utilize self.

as first hint found out (i think) functions able phone call "self" somehow using "<-" operator example:

"minc<-" <- function(x, value){x*value}

gives :

a = 2 = minc(12) # = 24, : = self*12

i don't know if such keyword exist in r, helps in readability of of codes.

as always, help !


the functionality you're looking implemented in fantastic magrittr package. version on cran introduces piping operator, %>%, passes precedes first argument of follows (by default), or replaces . preceding statement.

more point of question, version on github introduces many piping variants, including %<>% works regular pipe, includes overwrite assignment.

the next statements equivalent (with magrittr version >= 1.1.0, available on github, devtools::install_github("smbache/magrittr")):

a =, origin = "1899-12-30") = %>% = "1899-12-30") %<>%, origin = "1899-12-30") %<>% = "1899-12-30")

r function self

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