Thursday 15 September 2011

Finding first and last customer movement SQL Server - tips? -

Finding first and last customer movement SQL Server - tips? -

i needed help doing task in clever way. want pick out first motion on client number , sales day , same thing lastly movement.

is there someway of doing this?

these column names:

cust_no type of sale sales day activation day campaign name seller name

i thinking of first taking out first motion help of

row_number() on (partition cust_no order sales day asc)

separate these results in excel file

and lastly movement:

row_number() on (partition cust_no order sales day desc)

separate them in excel file.

is there way of attaching excel file both first motion , lastly motion without doing in parts?

you can select both rows using subquery

select * ( select *, row_number() on (partition cust_no order sales day asc) seq1, row_number() on (partition cust_no order sales day desc) seq2, ) t t.seq1 =1 or t.seq2 =1

sql sql-server

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