Thursday 15 September 2011

java - SpinnerNumberModel with short values -

java - SpinnerNumberModel with short values -

i've created jspinner spinnernumbermodel way:

public class spinnerframedoesntwork extends jframe { public spinnerframedoesntwork () { super("spinner doesnt work"); setsize(400, 200); init(); setdefaultcloseoperation(dispose_on_close); setvisible(true); setlocationrelativeto(null); } private void init() { final spinnernumbermodel countspinnermodel = new spinnernumbermodel(); final jspinner countspinner = new jspinner(countspinnermodel); countspinnermodel.setvalue((short)6); countspinnermodel.setminimum((short)6); countspinnermodel.setmaximum((short)12); countspinnermodel.setstepsize((short)1); add(countspinner); } }

i've noticed, although spinner displayed correctly, doesn't allow alter it's value, stack on "6"

while troubleshooting, noticed, these 2 below work correctly:

with ints instead of shorts:

public class spinnerdoeswork1 extends jframe { public spinnerdoeswork1 () { super("spinner work 1"); setsize(400, 200); init(); setdefaultcloseoperation(dispose_on_close); setvisible(true); setlocationrelativeto(null); } private void init() { final spinnernumbermodel countspinnermodel = new spinnernumbermodel(); final jspinner countspinner = new jspinner(countspinnermodel); countspinnermodel.setvalue(6); countspinnermodel.setminimum(6); countspinnermodel.setmaximum(12); countspinnermodel.setstepsize(1); add(countspinner); } }

with changed object initialization order:

public class spinnerdoeswork2 extends jframe { public spinnerdoeswork2 () { super("spinner work 2"); setsize(400, 200); init(); setdefaultcloseoperation(dispose_on_close); setvisible(true); setlocationrelativeto(null); } private void init() { final spinnernumbermodel countspinnermodel = new spinnernumbermodel(); countspinnermodel.setvalue((short)6); countspinnermodel.setminimum((short)6); countspinnermodel.setmaximum((short)12); countspinnermodel.setstepsize((short)1); final jspinner countspinner = new jspinner(countspinnermodel); add(countspinner); } }

i managed create work, don't what's wrong first example? why doesn't work correctly well?

thanks help!

java short jspinner

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