Thursday, 15 September 2011

Laravel: can't pass variable to the view -

Laravel: can't pass variable to the view -

i have couple of blade pages using inheritance , trying show list of product in 1 page. when object passed view going wrong , it's crashing app.

the error getting undefined variable: batteries.

with isset($batteries) tested indeed variable not getting view.

here code:

/* controller */ class homecontroller extends \basecontroller { public function index() { $view = view::make('home.index')->render(); homecoming response::json(['view' => $view]); } public function main() { $batteries = battery::all(); $view = view::make('home.main', compact('batteries'))->render(); homecoming response::json(['view' => $view]); } }


<!-- home/index.blade.php --> @extends('layouts.master') @section('content') @include('home.main') @stop <!-- home/main.blade.php --> <ul class="list-group"> @foreach ($batteries $battery) <li class="list-group-item">$battery->name</li> @endforeach </ul>

what wrong? why variable undefined?


route::get('/', function() { homecoming view::make('home.index'); }); route::group(['before' => 'ajax'], function() { route::get('/home/main', ['as' => 'home.main', 'uses' => 'homecontroller@main']); });

the problem index method display home.index file include home.main , in file utilize $batteries variable.

you should not include home.main template here or add together checking if $batteries set:

@if (isset($batteries)) <ul class="list-group"> @foreach ($batteries $battery) <li class="list-group-item">{{{ $battery->name }}}</li> @endforeach </ul> @endif

to display name of $battery, should utilize {{{ $battery->name }}} , not $battery->name


the problem route, should utilize controller method:

route::get('/', ['uses' => 'homecontroller@index']);

and can alter index method into:

$batteries = battery::all(); $view = view::make('home.main', compact('batteries'))->render(); homecoming response::json(['view' => $view]);

laravel laravel-4 laravel-routing

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