Thursday 15 September 2011

PHP namespace and autoload doesn't work -

PHP namespace and autoload doesn't work -

i have file called query.php.

namespace test { class query { public function __construct() { printf("hello, world"); } } }

in bootstrap.php seek phone call it:

spl_autoload_register(function($classname) { if(file_exists('../folder/'.$classname.'.php')) { require_once '../folder/'.$classname.'.php'; } }); new \test\query();

result: fatal error: class test\query not found.

without namespace works fine. how prepare it?

thanks in advance.

you have replace \ directory_separator.

define('base_path', realpath(dirname(__file__))); spl_autoload_register(function($classname) { if(file_exists(base_path . '../folder/'. str_replace('\\', directory_separator , $class). '.php')) { require_once '../folder/'.$classname.'.php'; } });

this assuming directory construction following



see how utilize php namespaces autoload?

php namespaces autoload

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