Wednesday 15 August 2012

ios7 - iOS 7 BUG - NSAttributedString does not appear -

ios7 - iOS 7 BUG - NSAttributedString does not appear -

last week asked question simulator bug nsattributedstring not displaying: ios 7 simulator bug - nsattributedstring not appear

unfortunately appears not simulator bug ios 7 bug. have reproduced issue on iphone 5 device.

the bug appears combination of using nsunderlinestyleattributename & nsparagraphstyleattributename attributes nsattributedstring.

i have tested on 2 ios 7 devices far, , issue has appeared on 1 of them. after have both been upgraded exact same version:

1st iphone 5 ios 7.0 (11a465): text not appear

1st iphone 5 after upgrading 7.0.2 (11a501): text not appear

2nd iphone 5 running ios 7.0 (11a4449d): text displays correctly

2nd iphone 5 after upgrading 7.0.2 (11a501): text not appear

so appears apple introduced bug after ios 7.0 (11a4449d). i've filed bug them , update on response get.

steps reproduce bug

if running ios 7.0.2 should able reproduce bug.

either download , run project on device


1) in xcode 5 create new 'single view application'. phone call whatever.

2) in viewcontroller.m, replace viewdidload method with:

- (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; nsmutableparagraphstyle* paragraph = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init]; paragraph.alignment = nstextalignmentcenter; nsattributedstring* attrstr = [[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:@"lorem ipsum dolor sit" attributes: @{nsunderlinestyleattributename:@(nsunderlinestylesingle), nsparagraphstyleattributename:paragraph}]; uilabel* mylabel = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(10, 30, 0, 0)]; mylabel.backgroundcolor = [uicolor greencolor]; mylabel.attributedtext = attrstr; [mylabel sizetofit]; [self.view addsubview:mylabel]; }

3) compile , run on device. depending on version of ios 7, text either display, or not. uilabel's background color display in both cases.


iphone 5 ios 7.0 (11a465)

iphone 5 ios 7.0 (11a4449d)

my question

is able reproduce issue on device?

i have found workaround bug. in github code, utilize workaround, this:

nsattributedstring* attrstr = [[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:@"lorem ipsum dolor sit\n" // <--- attributes: @{nsunderlinestyleattributename:@(nsunderlinestylesingle), nsparagraphstyleattributename:paragraph}]; uilabel* mylabel = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(10, 30, 0, 0)]; mylabel.backgroundcolor = [uicolor greencolor]; mylabel.attributedtext = attrstr; [mylabel sizetofit]; mylabel.numberoflines = 2; // <---

i have made 2 changes: i've appended newline character original string, , i've set label's numberoflines 2.

what workaround forcefulness label's text against top of label. seems solve problem. in other words, bug appears stem label's effort vertically center text; if deliberately create text long size of label juggling label's height, numberoflines, , excess newline characters @ end of text, attributed string drawn.

edit i've found workaround along same lines: allow label resize fit text. see code , explanation here: in code, same thing opposite end, were: give label fixed width constraint flexible height constraint, , setting own height, label brings top of text against top of itself, , able display text correctly. in other words, way of preventing label centering text vertically, seems trigger bug.

further edit have sense bug may fixed in ios 7.1.

ios7 xcode5 nsattributedstring

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