Wednesday 15 August 2012

java - debugger cannot access the parent page variable in the included page -

java - debugger cannot access the parent page variable in the included page -

i have parent page named usercreated , include page in named confirmationuser using

<%@include file="confirmationuser.jsp" %>

in parent page (usercreated) have variable registeruser , trying see value in intellij getting error when using evaluate look local variable '' not found in class closure

i using latest version of intellij

i can see local variable defined in confirmationuser , should see registeruser in confirmationuser

when run page there no problem , working need debug because sometims getting null pointer exception , want straight know problem.

parent page

registeruser registeruser = null;

child page

<% string x = "blabla"; boolean developer = registeruser.getpackage()!=null && registeruser.getpackage().getname().equals("developer");%>

here cannot see registeruser variable can see x variable in debugger

most need to:

configure web facet project if haven't done it;

configure directory containing jsp pages 'web resource directory'.

i suspect (2) not done , intellij has problem resolve relative path of included page.

java jsp intellij-idea jstl el

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