Java ArrayList / RMI -
i've built simple item class;
class iteminfo{ int auctionid; int startprice; int buyoutprice; }
i've created arraylist;
arraylist<iteminfo> itemset = new arraylist<iteminfo>();
i have method here allows user create item (the method incomplete, i've tried implementing selection == 1 far!);
public void auctionchoice(){ system.out.println("---- do? ----\n"); system.out.println("1: list item auction\n"); system.out.println("2: bid on existing item\n"); system.out.println("3: remove item auction\n"); if("1")){ iteminfo createditem = new iteminfo(); system.out.println("----enter auctionid----"); createditem.auctionid = scanner.nextint(); system.out.println("----enter item startprice----"); createditem.startprice = scanner.nextint(); system.out.println("----enter buyoutprice----"); createditem.buyoutprice = scanner.nextint(); system.out.println("auction id:" +createditem.auctionid+ "\nstartprice:" +createditem.startprice+ "\nbuyoutprice:" +createditem.buyoutprice); itemset.add(createditem); } }
what stuck on building method allow user view list of current item auctions, way print out itemset arraylist.
i have looked using tostring() unsure of how homecoming more 1 value, i.e auctionid, startprice, buyoutprice.
ideally user select selection such "view current auctions" , method print entire arraylist in format such "auction id: **** start price: **** buyout price: ****" **** beingness number user inputted.
as itemset, arraylist of iteminfo objects, can loop through them this:
for(iteminfo info : itemset){ system.out.println(info.actionid); system.out.println(info.auctionprice); system.out.println(info.buyoutprice); }
this print them out. perhaps, include id, can inquire user type in id next, , can retrieve 1 arraylist. can looping through them , comparing id id user entered. example:
// id int auctionid = scanner.nextint(); iteminfo selectedinfo; // find item for(iteminfo info : itemset){ if(info.auctionid = auctionid){ selectedinfo = info; break; } } if(selectedinfo == null){ // id not valid! // handle case. } else { system.out.println(selectedinfo.auctionid); system.out.println(selectedinfo.auctionprice); system.out.println(selectedinfo.buyoutprice); }
as learning, here few things create code bit nicer:
1- class names should start uppercase, should alter iteminfo iteminfo.
2- should utilize getters , setters, instead of using selectedinfo.auctionid
, should utilize selectedinfo.getauctionid()
, selectedinfo.setauctionid(x);
3- should consider using switch rather if("1")). also, if end writng else if("2")) run problem, each time called, expects input, hence expect input every if. instead, should have outside of switch, , utilize value read in. example:
int menuselection = scanner.nextint(); switch(menuselection){ case 1: // stuff break; case 2: // else break; default: // handle input isn't menu alternative }
4- finally, should split functionality handling each of these menu options in separate methods. if set method it's going big , ugly (hard maintain) fast.
java arraylist rmi tostring
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