Wednesday 15 August 2012

javascript - Where to save JWT and how to use it -

javascript - Where to save JWT and how to use it -

i trying implement jwt in authentication scheme , have questions jwt.

for saving token, utilize cookie possible too, utilize localstorage or sessionstorage, best choice?

i have read about, jwt protect site csrf. can not imaging that, how works. assume, save jwt token in cookie storage, how protect csrf?

update 1 saw samples in net like

curl -v -x post -h "authorization: basic ve01ennfem9fzg9nrerjvejjbxrbcwjgdtbfytpyuu9urexinlbbohjvuhjfsktrthhustnsegnh"

how can implement that, when create request server browser. saw too, implement token in address bar like:

if create request via ajax, set header jwt:token , can read token header.

update 2

in google chrome installed advanced rest client, @ image

as can see, can set header data. possible set headers info via javascript, when making request server?

look @ web site:

is recommended not store jwt, if want store them, should utilize localstorage if available. should utilize authorization header, instead of basic scheme, utilize bearer one:

curl -v -x post -h "authorization: bearer your_jwt_here"

with js, utilize folliowing code:

<script type='text/javascript'> // define vars var url = 'https://...'; // ajax phone call $.ajax({ url: url, datatype : 'jsonp', beforesend : function(xhr) { // set header if jwt set if ($window.sessionstorage.token) { xhr.setrequestheader("authorization", "bearer " + $window.sessionstorage.token); } }, error : function() { // error handler }, success: function(data) { // success handler } }); </script>

javascript web-services security cookies jwt

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