Friday 15 March 2013

ios - Removing an iad View -

ios - Removing an iad View -

i trying implement iad within ios game. want diplay iad during menu of game, not anywhere else. have tried several methods removing banner, none have worked me. have adbannerview property within view called advertisement, , able create iad when user opens menu, however, when close menu, iad still displayed. here things have tried:

-(void)menudidclose{ [self.advertisement setalpha:0]; self.advertisement.hidden = yes; self.advertisement = nil; [self.advertisement cancelbannerviewaction]; [self.view sendsubviewtoback:self.advertisement]; [self.advertisement removefromsuperview]; }

none of has worked me far. other suggestions? can iad display, not disappear when close menu.

try this: setting bannerview object 'nil' delete object (arc) , banner-ads stop displaying.

[self.advertisement removefromsuperview]; self.advertisement = nil;

ios xcode iad

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