Friday 15 March 2013

nest - how we decide in which node we should store document in elasticsearch? -

nest - how we decide in which node we should store document in elasticsearch? -

since new in es, need help.

i read possible specify shard document stored using 'routing'. possible restrict document should saved in particular node?..

suppose have 2 nodes. node1 , node2. requirement that, if add together document node1 index 'attenadance', should store primary shard @ node1 , replica may @ node2. , same thing if add together document node2 index 'attenadance', should store primary shard @ node2 , replica may @ node1...please advice me possible in es?..if yes, please tell how accomplish in es.

each node has specific value associated rack in cofig.yml. node 1 has setting node.rack: rack1, node 2 setting of node.rack: rack2, , on.

we can create index deploy on nodes have rack set rack1 setting index.routing.allocation.include.tag rack1. example:

curl -xput localhost:9200/test/_settings -d '{ "index.routing.allocation.include.tag" : "rack1" }'

further ref: elasticsearch official doc

elasticsearch nest

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