Friday 15 March 2013

spring - MTOM support ws:outbound-gateway -

spring - MTOM support ws:outbound-gateway -

we have dynamic ws-service client, this:

<si-ws:outbound-gateway id="wsoutboundgateway" uri="{uri}" reply-timeout="120000" fault-message-resolver="wsfaultmessageresolver"> <si-ws:uri-variable name="uri" expression="headers.url"/> <si-ws:request-handler-advice-chain> <ref bean="wsretryadvice"/> </si-ws:request-handler-advice-chain> </si-ws:outbound-gateway>

is possible handle mtom attachments in dynamic way, without custom marshalling? or illustration could, this, if reply have mtom, have case processing?

private static class defaultsourceextractor extends transformerobjectsupport implements sourceextractor<domsource> { @override public domsource extractdata(source source) throws ioexception, transformerexception { if (source instanceof domsource) { homecoming (domsource)source; } domresult result = new domresult(); this.transform(source, result); homecoming new domsource(result.getnode()); }

spring web-services spring-integration

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