Thursday 15 August 2013

Created nodes don't appear to be added to the neo4j database -

Created nodes don't appear to be added to the neo4j database -

i’ve created couple of nodes in neo4j database within groovy app, when connect database using shell client don’t appear there.

the database i’m creating described in

def graphdb = new graphdatabasefactory().newembeddeddatabase("/tmp/foo.db"); transaction tx = graphdb.begintx() def firstnode = graphdb.createnode(); firstnode.setproperty("message", "hello, "); def secondnode = graphdb.createnode(); secondnode.setproperty("message", "world!"); tx.success(); system.err.print(firstnode.getproperty("message")); system.err.print(relationship.getproperty("message")); system.err.print(secondnode.getproperty("message")); graphdb.shutdown()

after running app, can see database has been created on filesystem, when connect shell client, appears there no nodes in database:

$ ./neo4j-community-2.1.5/bin/neo4j-shell -path /tmp/foo.db/ -v neo4j-sh (?)$ match (m) homecoming m; +---+ | m | +---+ +---+ 0 row

what might doing wrong?

you didn't close transaction. tx.success() marks transaction beingness successful won't commit it. finishing transaction utilize tx.close(). best practice utilize try-with-resources blocks when doing java - cares calling close() automatically.

graphdatabaseservice graphdb = ...; seek (transaction tx = graphdb.begintx()) { // stuff tx.success(); }

since code has def assume you're using groovy, not back upwards try-with-resources. hence code looks like:

def graphdb = .... transaction tx = graphdb.begintx() seek { // stuff e.g. create nodes tx.success() } { tx.close() }


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