Thursday 15 August 2013

ocaml - opam fails trying to install lwt looking for pthreads -

ocaml - opam fails trying to install lwt looking for pthreads -

on ubuntu trusty vm, i've installed opam (version 1.2.0) ppa recommended real world ocaml set docs.

when running

opam install lwt

the build fails, , examing .out file shows:

testing pthread: ........................... unavailable not checking glib next recquired c libraries missing: pthread.

i have ubuntu bundle libpthread-stubs0-dev installed. need install allow install succeed?


14.04 [trusty] comes recent versions of ocaml , opam. no ppa needed.

the instructions worked me in trusty vm.

also, create sure have aspcud bundle installed. otherwise, opam chooses wrong versions of packages, , i've seen error 1 time in case.

ocaml opam

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