Saturday, 15 March 2014

ios - What makes an element accessible? And why are tap gestures less accessible than UIButtons? How do I fix it? -

ios - What makes an element accessible? And why are tap gestures less accessible than UIButtons? How do I fix it? -

brent simmons wrote in blog post tap gesture recognizers, presumably on uiview, less accessible uibuttons. i'm trying larn way around making app accessible, , curious if clarify makes less accessible uibutton, , makes element "accessible" begin with?

for more customizability planning build button comprised of uiview , tap gesture recognizers subviews, i'm not sure. possible create uiview accessible uibutton?

accessible in context refers ui elements can used using apple's accessibility features, such voiceover (see illustration below).

for example, visually impaired person not able see view or subviews, or buttons matter; accessibility software "voiceover" built every ios device read her/him kind of object , title, "button: continue" (if button title "continue").

you can see tap gesture recognizer not read voiceover , less "accessible".

ios objective-c uiview accessibility uiaccessibility

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