Saturday 15 March 2014

java - Jrebel Synchronize With Apache Tomcat -

java - Jrebel Synchronize With Apache Tomcat -

hi eclipse console log, after jrebel setup has been completed. alter made in java file , synchronize clicked.

response headers: [server: apache-coyote/1.1, x-rebel-response: err_unknown_rebel_hash, x-rebel-responsemessage: remoting module '5e1de368dea571c9bc1939d90988e22a746772ce' not found, content-length: 0, date: wed, 12 nov 2014 09:56:42 gmt] [2014-11-12 02:56:42] cannot find such project on remote server. maybe not deployed, or project's id in rebel-remote.xml file different. com.zeroturnaround.jrebel.remoting.remotingexception: cannot find such project on remote server. maybe not deployed, or project's id in rebel-remote.xml file different. @ @ @ com.zeroturnaround.jrebel.remoting.transaction.begin(jrebelremoting:108) @ com.zeroturnaround.jrebel.remoting.transactiongroup.begin(jrebelremoting:35) @ org.zeroturnaround.eclipse.jrebel.remoting.builder.remotingsyncperformer.initsynchronization( @ org.zeroturnaround.eclipse.jrebel.remoting.builder.manualbuilder.synchronizeproject( @ org.zeroturnaround.eclipse.jrebel.remoting.actions.syncnowaction$ @

as stefan mentioned, create sure deployed application has rebel-remote.xml - should within web-inf/classes .war files or root of .jar files. if exist, create sure id-s both in workspace , deployed application same. if have multiple modules, each of them should have unique remote-id.

another thing create sure you'd need utilize remoting - if start server same machine, wont, remoting meant cases server on different machine or in vm. starting same machine, outside ide or not, have create sure deployed application has rebel.xmls containing paths class files compiled ide.

if else fails, contact

java tomcat jrebel

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