Saturday 15 March 2014

wordpress - Long wait time before first byte is received -

wordpress - Long wait time before first byte is received -

i have website (currently running @, spent time on optimizing. there's still tasks done, image optimization, that's not problem i'm solving now.

the problem is, takes 1.6 seconds before page starts loading, ie. before webserver starts responding request.

i not due hosting, since website running @ , running fast. tried running website on localhost on i5 pc , delay here 1.2 seconds. i ran wp-optimizer on database i tried switching theme 20 twelve , deactivated plugins. difference in waiting time insignificant, 150ms.

it seems me wp core has doing needs completed before server starts responding... on 1 second? of have hint on causing this?

note: admin section of website affected waiting time.

test performance of installed plugins p3 (plugin performance profiler) measures impact on site's load time. badly written plugins can vastly increment server response time ( example, unpleasantly surprised when discovered 1 plugin, used galleries, consumed 500ms of server time on each request, regardless of whether necessary request ).


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