Thursday 15 May 2014

sql - Comparing two tables and get the values that dont match -

sql - Comparing two tables and get the values that dont match -

i have 2 tables articles.

table 1 article , table 2 articlefm

both tables have 1 field artnr.

'table 1' has 2192 artnr , 'table 2' has 2195 artnr.

i want in query find out whats artnr of 3 articles not matched.

if 'table 2' has more articles 'table 1' need list artnr.

how can create this?

you can using full join:

select coalesce(t1.artnr, t2.artnr) artnr, case when t1.artnr null 'table1' else 'table2' end missingfrom table1 t1 total bring together table2 t2 on t1.artnr = t2.artnr t1.artnr null or t2.artnr null;

note, because there difference in count of 3, not mean there 3 records in 1 table missing other. imagine following:

table1 table2 ------ ------- 1 2 2 4 3 6 4

the difference in count 1, there 2 records nowadays in table1 aren't in table2, , 1 in table2 isn't in table1. using above total bring together method result like:

artnr | missingfrom ------+------------- 1 | table1 3 | table1 6 | table2


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