Thursday 15 May 2014

ToString("C") formatting fails in ASP.NET MVC Partial View in VB.NET 2013 -

ToString("C") formatting fails in ASP.NET MVC Partial View in VB.NET 2013 -

this line


works in c# 2013, fails in invalidcast exception.

the currentprice property nullable decimal.

i've had fix:

@ctype(model.currentprice, model.currentprice.gettype()).tostring("c")

any thought of why @model.currentprice.tostring("c") not work in 2013 , how prepare instead of doing above conversion?

thanks, jean

what expecting line of code produce if currentprice nothing? unless you're 100% sure have value, need explicitly handle both cases, e.g.

@if(model.currentprice.hasvalue, model.currentprice.value.tostring("c"), string.empty)

you can replace string.empty else if want else when there's no value. string-formatting

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