Thursday 15 May 2014

Titanium audio player stops playing mp3 after a moment -

Titanium audio player stops playing mp3 after a moment -

in titanium ios app i'm using ti sound player:

var mp3url = ""; var audioplayer ={ url: mp3url, allowbackground: true });

i borrowed boilerplate code , using unchanged, aside minor ui tweaks:!/api/

when click play button, begins play clip (i can hear it, , it's correct), automatically stops split-second later. can replicate 100% of time , happens. not double-clicking button or anything. quick single click.

my total source code (excluding of ui stuff) sound piece here:

i using titanium sdk 3.4.0 ga, targeting iphone 4s (v. 8.0) xcode 6.0.1.

this gets logged in output:

[info] : state: starting (1) [info] : state: waiting_for_data (2) [info] : state: unknown (9) [info] : state: waiting_for_queue (3) [info] : state: stopping (6) [info] : state: stopped (7) [info] : state: initialized (0)

any ideas?

the audioplayer has problem playing specific mp3 file. found titanium ticket that's been open long time.

i tried sample mp3 site , worked perfectly:

titanium titanium-mobile appcelerator appcelerator-mobile

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