Monday, 15 September 2014

android - Parallax header effect with RecyclerView -

android - Parallax header effect with RecyclerView -

i want alter listview have on utilize recyclerview can create utilize of staggeredgridlayoutmanager recyclerview not have ability add together header listview.

usually listview set empty view in header , set image below listview , translate bottom image scrolling of list create parallax effect.

so out header how can create same parallax effect recyclerview?

so today tried archive effect on recyclerview. able since code much paste here github project , explain of key points of project.

first need @ getitemviewtype on recyclerview.adapter class. methods defines type of view we're dealing with. type passed on oncreateviewholder , there can inflate different views. did was: check if position first one. if inflate header, if not inflate normal row.

i've added customrelativelayout clips view don't have problem dividers , rows getting on top of header.

from point seem know rest of logic behind it.

the final result was:


if need insert in adapter create sure notify right position adding 1 in notifyitemchanged/inserted method. example:

public void additem(string item, int position) { mdata.add(position, item); notifyiteminserted(position + 1); //we have add together 1 notification position since don't want mess header }

another of import edit i've done scroll logic. mcurrentoffset scheme using didn't work item insertion since offset alter if add together item. did was:

viewholder holder = findviewholderforposition(0); if (holder != null) ((parallaxrecycleradapter) getadapter()).translateheader(-holder.itemview.gettop() * 0.5f);

to test added postdelayed runnable, started app, scrolled end, add together item in position 0, , scroll again. result was:

if looking other parallax effects can check other repo:

android recyclerview

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