Monday 15 September 2014

apache - htaccess - wildcard for redirecting all humans.txt requests to single location -

apache - htaccess - wildcard for redirecting all humans.txt requests to single location -

i'd redirect requests humans.txt (regardless of uri request) location of humans.txt file (located in top of domain).

my logs aren't showing evidence of, it's not that problem. it's simple exercise in reducing 404 errors, i'm unsure whether utilize filesmatch or rewritecond. don't alter things (or experiment) often. file little , 1 time accessed, cached locally, in legitimate cases, ought 301 redirect 304 'not modified' thereafter.

so if request or, both redirect

i don't plan have more 1 humans.txt, , mod.rewrite available. prefer utilize htaccess other solutions.

thanks much!

you can following:

rewriteengine on rewriterule ^.+humans\.txt$ /humans.txt [nc,qsa,l,r=301]

put in origin of root .htaccess-file, , else (not ending on humans.txt) executed before !

apache .htaccess mod-rewrite redirect

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