Monday 15 September 2014

linux - rpmbuild and signed executable files -

linux - rpmbuild and signed executable files -

in project working on, need generate signature 1 of output executable (elf) files using private key (the signature forms 1 of files in rpm, private key never leaves build machine). done within makefile part of "make", "make install" process outside rpm system.

however seems when making rpm out of using rpmbuild, @ point after %build , %install farther modifying executable (seems removing stuff .strtab , .symtab reason). means later after installing rpm other software integrating rejects signature info due alter in executable file...

is there way can stop rpmbuild modifying files, or @ to the lowest degree way move part of %build , %install after has made such changes (so can recreate signature file).

if disable -debuginfo bundle building believe rpm stop stripping binaries in packages.

you can setting %debug_package macro %{nil}.

in rpmmacros file ($home/.rpmmacros searched default believe) next line should that.

%debug_package %{nil}

it might possible on command line -d'debug_package %{nil}' haven't tested that.

linux make rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

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