Sunday 15 February 2015

amazon web services - DynamoDB Support for JSON Documents -

amazon web services - DynamoDB Support for JSON Documents -

aws dynamodb released back upwards json documents per:


1) how can utilize if making request straight service? set m value entire json object?

2) can indexes included in json document? dynamodb able figure out?

as documented in link included in question, back upwards json built many of aws sdks rather beingness exclusively implemented in dynamodb. using dynamodb's new map , list types example, json construction mapped dynamodb types , structures in predictable way. so, no, not set m value entire json object (unless that's final construction wanted).

indexes go on available using standard access patterns documented here example.

you need utilize 1 of sdks or provide own service layer map json document dynamodb item.

currently (november 2014), aws-sdk javascript (which includes nodejs) not have built-in back upwards json data. however, available through aws-labs project here. you'll see in that code document client code attaches event of info can formatted (from json native dynamodb):

request.on("extractdata", f.formatoutput);

where f instance of dynamodbformatter.

json amazon-web-services amazon amazon-dynamodb

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