Sunday 15 February 2015

intellij idea - Glassfish 4.x doesn't work on Windows 8.1 -

intellij idea - Glassfish 4.x doesn't work on Windows 8.1 -

i've been trying lately run web application on glassfish, tried netbeans , intellij , both show same error : could not start glassfish server :das port occupied while server not running


could not start glassfish server: administrator port occupied null

i'm sure port 4848 not occupied (8080 too)

and when running intellij on windows 7, worked, what's problem when running on windows 8.1?

i guess permission problem. should check if windows user using has right permissions start , modify glassfish files.

check permissions of domain folder (probably <glassfish_installation>\glassfish\domains\domain1), should have permissions (total control) on folder. if doesn't help, may have check permissions of whole <glassfish_installation> folder.

other things check:

windows firewall check if ports free: netstat -aon | find ":4848"

intellij-idea glassfish

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