Sunday 15 February 2015

How to keep the Spring Tool Suite maven JVM processes from placing java icons on Dock for a mac? -

How to keep the Spring Tool Suite maven JVM processes from placing java icons on Dock for a mac? -


mac os x 10.9.5 spring tool suite 3.6.1.release using maven-surefire-plugin run unit tests in forked mode.

spring tool suite 3.6.1.release using maven-surefire-plugin run unit tests in forked mode.

all solutions problem found around web putting -djava.awt.headless=true in various places: spring preferences->java->installed jres->default vm arguments, maven_opts, .mavenrc, run configurations, etc. none of them stopped icons populating mac dock.

how maintain spring tool suite maven jvm processes placing java icons on dock mac?


after trying every suggestion found here , elsewhere on web seek java vm stop putting java cup icon on mac dock, i've found solution causing in case. posting hoping help others.

what work, @ to the lowest degree in particular case, given next in our pom.xml configure surefire:

<plugin> <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactid> <version>${org.apache.maven.plugins.surefire-version}</version> <configuration> <argline>-djava.awt.headless=true</argline> <reuseforks>false</reuseforks> <forkcount>20</forkcount> <excludedgroups></excludedgroups> </configuration> </plugin>

the prepare beingness adding of -djava.awt.headless=true.

you want configure maven_opts. did in .bashrc file:

export maven_opts=-djava.awt.headless=true

no more annoying icons pop , take focus current window.

hope helpful.


java spring osx dock

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