Sunday 15 February 2015

c# - EntityFramework error: The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance -

c# - EntityFramework error: The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance -

my project using mvc4, in c# visual studio 2012 web express.

when compiling project, have next error:

the provider did not homecoming providermanifest instance. not determine storage version; valid storage connection or version hint required.

after many hours of search believe error somehow related entity framework. found work around error here:

the workaround suggests alter field providermanifesttoken="2012" providermanifesttoken="2008" in .edmx file.

after doing error goes away. have problem when run project, runtime error:

could not load file or assembly '' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040)

=== pre-bind state info === log: displayname = (partial) wrn: partial binding info supplied assembly: wrn: assembly name: | domain id: 2 wrn: partial bind occurs when part of assembly display name provided. wrn: might result in binder loading wrong assembly. wrn: recommended provide specified textual identity assembly, wrn: consists of simple name, version, culture, , public key token. wrn: see whitepaper more info , mutual solutions issue. log: appbase = file:///c:/users/pedro/documents/visual studio 2012/projects/dockis/development/dockis/dockis/ log: initial privatepath = c:\users\pedro\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\dockis\development\dockis\dockis\bin calling assembly : (unknown).

log: bind starts in default load context. log: using application configuration file: c:\users\pedro\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\dockis\development\dockis\dockis\web.config log: using host configuration file: c:\users\pedro\documents\iisexpress\config\aspnet.config log: using machine configuration file c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.

log: policy not beingness applied reference @ time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind). log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/78aa89a1/af9f01eb/ log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/78aa89a1/af9f01eb/ log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/users/pedro/documents/visual studio 2012/projects/dockis/development/dockis/dockis/bin/ log: using application configuration file: c:\users\pedro\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\dockis\development\dockis\dockis\web.config log: using host configuration file: c:\users\pedro\documents\iisexpress\config\aspnet.config log: using machine configuration file c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config. log: redirect found in application configuration file: redirected log: post-policy reference:, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35 log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/78aa89a1/af9f01eb/ log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/78aa89a1/af9f01eb/ log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/users/pedro/documents/visual studio 2012/projects/dockis/development/dockis/dockis/bin/ wrn: comparing assembly name resulted in mismatch: build number err: failed finish setup of assembly (hr = 0x80131040). probing terminated.

stack trace:

[fileloadexception: not load file or assembly '' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040)] [fileloadexception: not load file or assembly ', version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040)] system.reflection.runtimeassembly._nload(assemblyname filename, string codebase, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly locationhint, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder, boolean throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean suppresssecuritychecks) +0 system.reflection.runtimeassembly.nload(assemblyname filename, string codebase, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly locationhint, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder, boolean throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean suppresssecuritychecks) +34 system.reflection.runtimeassembly.internalloadassemblyname(assemblyname assemblyref, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly reqassembly, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder, boolean throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean suppresssecuritychecks) +152 system.reflection.runtimeassembly.internalload(string assemblystring, evidence assemblysecurity, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder, boolean forintrospection) +77 system.reflection.runtimeassembly.internalload(string assemblystring, evidence assemblysecurity, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, boolean forintrospection) +16 system.reflection.assembly.load(string assemblystring) +28 system.web.configuration.compilationsection.loadassemblyhelper(string assemblyname, boolean stardirective) +38 [configurationerrorsexception: not load file or assembly ', version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040)] system.web.configuration.compilationsection.loadassemblyhelper(string assemblyname, boolean stardirective) +752 system.web.configuration.compilationsection.loadallassembliesfromappdomainbindirectory() +218 system.web.configuration.compilationsection.loadassembly(assemblyinfo ai) +130 system.web.compilation.buildmanager.getreferencedassemblies(compilationsection compconfig) +170 system.web.compilation.buildmanager.getprestartinitmethodsfromreferencedassemblies() +91 system.web.compilation.buildmanager.callprestartinitmethods(string prestartinitlistpath, boolean& isrefassemblyloaded) +285 system.web.compilation.buildmanager.executepreappstart() +153 appmanager, iapplicationhost apphost, iconfigmappathfactory configmappathfactory, hostingenvironmentparameters hostingparameters, policylevel policylevel, exception appdomaincreationexception) +521 [httpexception (0x80004005): not load file or assembly ', version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040)] system.web.httpruntime.firstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +9950728 system.web.httpruntime.ensurefirstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +101 system.web.httpruntime.processrequestnotificationprivate(iis7workerrequest wr, httpcontext context) +254

dockis name of project. after seeing error spent several hours believing errors lied somewhere in versions of bundle beingness used. however, not seem case, since bulk of packages date , there doesn't seem conflicts between them.

consequently, believing problem lies version of entityframework, out of ideas on how prepare this.

i'm ears, if have suggestions, i'll appreciate them.

download , update nuget ef 6.1.3 , everithing work fine.

c# entity-framework visual-studio-2012

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