Friday 15 May 2015

How to take a string and arrange words in alphabetical order using C -

How to take a string and arrange words in alphabetical order using C -

i'm stuck. i've got quite big programming assignment , of looks easy, part i'm stuck on splitting string of text individual words in array , sorting them in alphabetical order.

e.g. if string contained following: "i stuck. please help me stack exchange" save words in array , output them in next order:

am exchange help me please stack stuck

could guys please help?

edit: here's have far:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char str[] = "this test string, else? lol"; char *hhh; int i; for(i=0;str[i];i++){ str[i]=tolower(str[i]); //converts string lower case } //breaks string separate words based on spaces , //punctuation (anything signals end of word) hhh = strtok(str," ,.-:;?!"); while(hhh != null){ printf("%s \n",hhh); hhh = strtok(null, " ,.-:;?!"); } }

as can see i've converted words lower case r , can output them have no thought how sort them in alphabetical order. looked bubble sorting , understand don't understand how utilize accomplish need.

my code pretty "manual" meaning don't utilize stuff strtok or tolower. manually loop through myself. if don't that, replace corresponding parts functions. here go:

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define _wlen 32 // maximum length of each word #define _nwords 256 // maximum number of words in sentence void word_swap(char** w1, char** w2); int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char* sentence = "the quick brownish fox jumps on lazy dog."; // sentence char to_ignore[10] = ".,-\"'!?()"; // characters ignored char words[_nwords][_wlen]; // words stored here int i, j, k=0, l=0, word_count, swapped=0; // variables needed /* first loop through sentence separate words */ (i=0; i<_nwords*_wlen; i++) { /* if reach end of sentence, finish lastly word '\0' , quit loop */ if (*(sentence+i) == '\0') { words[k][l] = '\0'; word_count = k+1; break; } /* check if current character 1 want ignore. if so, skip next character. */ (j=0; j<10; j++) { if (to_ignore[j] == *(sentence+i)) goto end_for; } /* if current character not space, add together word */ if (*(sentence+i) != ' ') { words[k][l] = *(sentence+i); l++; } /* ... if space, finish current word '\0' , move next word */ else { words[k][l] = '\0'; k++; l=0; } end_for:; } /* convert lowercase it's easy sort words */ (i=0; i<word_count; i++) { (j=0; j<_wlen; j++) { if (words[i][j] == '\0') break; /* if letter uppercase (ascii codes 65-90) add together 32 it, lowercase variant */ if (words[i][j] >= 65 && words[i][j] <= 90) words[i][j] += 32; } } /* bubble sort words in alphabetical order */ { (i=0; i<word_count-1; i++) { if (strcmp(words[i], words[i+1]) > 0) { word_swap(&words[i], &words[i+1]); swapped = 1; break; } else swapped = 0; } } while (swapped != 0); /* print words on screen */ (i=0; i<word_count; i++) printf("%s\n", words[i]); } void word_swap(char** w1, char** w2) { char tmp[_wlen]; memcpy(&tmp, w1, _wlen); memcpy(w1, w2, _wlen); memcpy(w2, &tmp, _wlen); }


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