Friday 15 May 2015

WSO2 ESB - How to get and set cookies in WSDL calls in -

WSO2 ESB - How to get and set cookies in WSDL calls in -

i utilize wso2 esb , want connect 2 web services - on timer pull info 1 service , force another.

the problem 1 of services authenticates callers cookies. first need phone call getsession method username , password. response phone call sets cookie. cookie create other calls.

i couldn't find anywhere in documentation, how can cookie result of 1 phone call , set subsequent call. @ achievable? if - how?

here sequence code:

<sequence xmlns="" name="samplename" trace="enable"> <payloadfactory media-type="xml"> <format> <envelope xmlns=""> <body> <getsessionwithcredentials xmlns="blabla"> <user>bla</user> <password>bla</password> </getsessionwithcredentials> </body> </envelope> </format> </payloadfactory> <call> <endpoint key="conf:/tracker"></endpoint> </call> <payloadfactory media-type="xml"> <format> <gettrackinglist xmlns="blabla"></gettrackinglist> </format> </payloadfactory> <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="cookie" expression="$trp:cookie"></property> <call> <endpoint key="conf:/tracker"></endpoint> </call> <log level="full"></log> </sequence>

thanks lot

get cookie header : <property name="cookie" expression="$trp:cookie"/> if want 1 cookie , it's value, utilize xpath look 'substring' exemple

set cookie header value jsessionid=1 : <property name="cookie" value="jsessionid=1" scope="transport"/>

cookies wsdl wso2 wso2esb

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