Monday 15 June 2015

android - How can I obfuscate XML resource files with DexGuard? -

android - How can I obfuscate XML resource files with DexGuard? -

i using dexguard process android applications. on dexguard's homepage features: xml resource obfuscation

i tested dexguard , decompiled output .apks apktool. problem resource files decompiled succesffully, have not been obfuscated apparently.

now question is, dexguard automatically obfuscate xml resources or have activate somehow in dexguard-project.txt file? possible obfuscate xml resources strings.xml or misunderstanding feature?

why want obfuscate strings.xml? because have api keys or oauth secrets in there? if so, improve move them assets/ file , load object this...

properties appconfigproperties = new properties(); appconfigproperties.load(context.getassets().open("")) string myapikey = appconfigproperties.get("my_api_key");

(for brevity i've removed exception handling)

be sure enable asset encryption in dexguard config file:

-encryptassetfiles assets/**

android xml resources dexguard

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