Monday 15 June 2015

apache - How to set up git over http? -

apache - How to set up git over http? -

i need set git server git-over-http (smart http), resources available online mess, mixing in other apache configuration, missing details or not beingness explicit enough.

i answering question myself based on found lacking in available resources.

first necessary understand there 2 components git-over-http: git , apache. these 2 connected through script name of git-http-backend. challenge configure interface between these 2 components, http requests git forwarded apache.

note: security outside scope of guide.

start out installing git , apache2 using bundle manager of distribution.

add modules needed apache enable git-over-http. these cgi, alias , env

$ a2enmod cgi alias env

copy next /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (without removing whatever else contains)

<virtualhost *:80> setenv git_project_root /data/git setenv git_http_export_all setenv remote_user=$redirect_remote_user scriptaliasmatch \ "(?x)^/(.*/(head | \           info/refs | \           objects/(info/[^/]+ | \           [0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38} | \           pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\.(pack|idx)) | \           git-(upload|receive)-pack))$" \        "/usr/lib/git/git-http-backend/$1"    alias /git /data/git    <directory /usr/lib/git>     options +execcgi -multiviews +symlinksifownermatch       allowoverride none       order allow,deny       allow    </directory> </virtualhost>

now replace 2 occurrences of /data/git parent directory of git repos on server (don't worry if don't have repos yet, utilize directory intend place it/them)

also replace /usr/lib/git/git-http-backend location of git-http-backend on system, can found using $ find / -name git-http-backend

it may on scheme redirect_remote_user overwrites valid remote_user. if setup doesn't work when finished, seek removing line.

according this source, may necessary replace lastly 2 lines within directory tag require granted for apache 2.4 , above.

restart apache server: $ apache2ctl -k graceful

now apache server set up, we're not done yet, there of import parts of setting repos impact whether setup works or not.

set repo:

$ mkdir myrepo.git $ cd myrepo.git $ git init --bare --shared $ cp hooks/post-update.sample hooks/post-update $ git update-server-info $ chown -r wwwrun:www here of import understand lastly line changes owner of repo apache2 user. user may different on system. find apache user, execute $ ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)'. find grouping name of user, execute $ id user-name. on scheme user wwwrun , grouping www. replace accordingly.

use repo

in order utilize repo, need know url. setup url http://server.domain/myrepo.git

note: https not work.

when accessing repo client, add together remote:

$ git remote add together origin http://server.domain/myrepo.git

then can interact other git repo.

git apache http

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