Monday 15 June 2015

node.js - express passport-linkedin, making api requests -

node.js - express passport-linkedin, making api requests -

i'm using express , passport-linkedin. authentication flow works fine, can user's basic profile, , want create api request. /v1/people/~/connections, example.

i've done reading , trial , error, wrong authentication scheme or internal server error.

i have token , tokensecret given verify callback of linkedinstrategy instance. how go authorized api request?

i utilize 'islegit' function running middleware.

example :

app.get('/api/mysecuredpage',islegit,function(req,res){ res.render('mysecurepage'); }); function islegit(req, res, next) { // if user authenticated in session, next if (req.isauthenticated()) homecoming next(); // if aren't send error res.json({error:'you must logged in view information'}); }

edit :

to create request linkedin api, set request next options :

var options = { url: '', headers: { 'x-li-format': 'json' }, qs: { oauth2_access_token: user.access_token } }; request(options,function(err,res,body){ console.log(body); });

access_token name of variable in passport strategy, different depending how you've set up. basically, it's 1 of fields of authenticated user ;-)

node.js linkedin passport.js

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