Monday 15 June 2015

notifications - Android NoClassDefFoundError NotificationCompat.Builder -

notifications - Android NoClassDefFoundError NotificationCompat.Builder -

java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: android/support/v4/app/notificationcompat$builder

i know error resolved adding private libraries project, in case if add together private libraries getting different error:

unable execute dex: multiple dex files define

and prepare above removing private libraries found here

so improve solution???

my code:

private void check() { notificationcompat.builder builder = new notificationcompat.builder( getapplicationcontext()); notification notification = builder.setsmallicon(r.drawable.icon) .setcontenttitle("new notification") .setcontenttext("hello world!").build(); notificationmanager notificationmanager = (notificationmanager) getsystemservice(context.notification_service); notificationmanager.notify(1, notification); }

my project build path :

i think have added 2 similar libraries project . go project properties ->java build path->libraries

android notifications

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