Thursday 15 April 2010

append multiple .csv files -

append multiple .csv files -

i have several one thousand .csv files in folder , trying utilize cdm append them. each file same table top header , bottom notes. example,

121030_2003.csv 121030_2004.csv ... 121031_2003.csv 121031_2004.csv ...

i tried copy *.csv all.csv cmd , add together code resulting file have:

the header reported 1 time @ beginning, , perchance no notes an additional column, reporting name of source file maintain track of it.

i think can utilize cat in linux. e.g. appending 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt output file 0.txt

cat 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > 0.txt

csv files txt files same in case, except 'type' used in cmd 'cat'.

csv append filenames

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