Thursday 15 April 2010

MongoDB Unable to determine the serialization information -

MongoDB Unable to determine the serialization information -

i'm having problem mongodb querying. here's classes:

class { } class b : { } class c : { public string prop1 { get; set; } } class d { public list<a> collection1 { get; set; } }

and query:

var query1 = query<d>.elemmatch(d => d.collection1.oftype<c>(), builder => builder.eq(c => c.prop1, "val1"));

in nutshell want select instances of class d collection "collection1" contains @ to the lowest degree 1 instance of class c property "prop1" equals "val1".

this keeps throwing "unable determine serialization info expression" out of blue.

what doing wrong? i've tried decorating "a" bsonknowntypes(typeof(b), typeof(c)) no avail.

ps: if had 1 class a:

class { public string prop1 { get; set; } } class d { public list<a> collection1 { get; set; } }

then code works , want:

var query1 = query<d>.elemmatch(d => d.collection1, builder => builder.eq(c => c.prop1, "val1"));

but it's not want, want maintain "b" , "c" inherit "a".

try use: nameof().

builder => builder.eq(nameof(c.prop1), "val1");

mongodb mongodb-csharp mongodb-query

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