Thursday 15 April 2010

php - Phalcon ActionFilters -

php - Phalcon ActionFilters -

i'm learning phalcon (trying rest api in multi-module application template), , did simple checking each request, "does request contain specific header" illustration x-api-key (something actionfilters in mvc).

i tried doing annotations, plugins, beforeexecuteroute, , beforeexception. when write in 1 of them throw new \exception("some exception", 500); phalcon returns blank page without exception message , code. afaik known bug.

i tried dispatcher in beforeexception:

public function beforeexception($event, $dispatcher, $exception) { if ($exception instanceof \phalcon\http\request\exception) { $dispatcher->forward( array( 'controller' => 'error', 'action' => 'showinternalservererror' ) ); homecoming false; } //... }

and seems that's working, not elegant solution , i'm lazy :)

question: have improve ideas how actionfilters in phalconphp?

take @ solution on cmoore4/phalcon-rest/httpexception

when application throws httperror 1 modifies response object reflect error details , headers , send output.

i cmoore4 way of doing many things on rest implementation.

php api phalcon phalcon-routing

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