Tuesday 15 June 2010

c++ - Using NtAllocateVirtualMemory() via GetProcAddress will not compile -

c++ - Using NtAllocateVirtualMemory() via GetProcAddress will not compile -

i'm trying utilize ntallocatevirtualmemory project , i'm sure others have had success w/it, not compile on vsc++ 2010 nor mingw. on both compilers says

farproc: many arguments call

does know how can code compile? time.

farproc ntallocatevirtualmemory; ntallocatevirtualmemory = getprocaddress(getmodulehandle("ntdll.dll"), "ntallocatevirtualmemory"); printf( "ntallocatevirtualmemory %08x\n", ntallocatevirtualmemory); returncode = ntallocatevirtualmemory(getcurrentprocess(), &baseaddress, 0, &regionsize, mem_commit | mem_reserve, page_execute_readwrite);

you need cast result getprocaddress function pointer of right type. in case:

typedef ntstatus winapi (*pntallocatevirtualmemory)(handle processhandle, pvoid *baseaddress, ulong_ptr zerobits, psize_t regionsize, ulong allocationtype, ulong protect); farproc navm = getprocaddress(...); pntallocatevirtualmemory ntallocatevirtualmemory = (pntallocatevirtualmemory)navm; ...

of course, much easier utilize virtualalloc.

virtualalloc(&baseaddress, regionsize, mem_commit | mem_reserve, page_execute_readwrite);

c++ winapi

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