Tuesday 15 June 2010

how to create .txt file and write it c# asp.net -

how to create .txt file and write it c# asp.net -

i trying create , write text file in c# application using next code

system.io.directory.createdirectory(server.mappath("~\\count")); using (system.io.filestream fs = new system.io.filestream("~/count/count.txt", system.io.filemode.create)) using (system.io.streamwriter sw = new system.io.streamwriter("~/count/count.txt")) { sw.write("101"); } string _count = system.io.file.readalltext("~/count/count.txt"); application["noofvisitors"] = _count;

but error:

the process cannot access file 'path' because beingness used process.

what error?

you're trying open file twice; first using statements creates filestream not used, locks file, sec using fails.

just delete first using line, , should work fine.

however, i'd recommend replacing of file.writealltext, there no using in code, it'd much simpler.

var dir = server.mappath("~\\count"); var file = path.combine(dir, "count.txt"); directory.createdirectory(dir); file.writealltext(file, "101"); var _count = file.readalltext(file); application["noofvisitors"] = _count;

c# asp.net text-files

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