Tuesday 15 June 2010

performance - Android Bluetooth LE notifications with 100Hz - missing calls -

performance - Android Bluetooth LE notifications with 100Hz - missing calls -

i'm developing android app connects bluetooth le device , enables notifications specific characteristic. characteristic notifies smartphone 100hz. assume, oncharacteristicchanged() method called 100 times per second. not case!

using samsung galaxy s5 oncharacteristicchanged() method called 58 times per sec = 42% info loss using samsung galaxy s5 mini oncharacteristicchanged() method called 20 times per sec = 80% info loss using lg g3s = 40% info loss using lg g2 mini = 0.5% info loss (it's quite interesting g2 mini has best "throughput" "low-end hardware" compared other smartphones)

by using performance profiler noticed lg g2 mini smartphone has 6 binders instead of 4. may that's reason why processing notifications - how can number of binders increased?

does know, why android doesn't phone call oncharacteristicchanged() method 100 times per second? why there such huge differences accross various phones? is possible alter @ app or @ phone configuration decrease info loss?

thanks ben

android performance bluetooth-lowenergy

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