Tuesday 15 June 2010

swift - Custom Keyboard Font Error -

swift - Custom Keyboard Font Error -

i using xcode 6.1 , programming swift , wondering if new how alter font custom keyboard app working on.

the code trying utilize ->

self.testingkeyboard.font = uifont (name: "helveticneue-ultralight", size 50);

and when run error of: 'font' unavailable: apis deprecated of ios7 , before unavailable in swift.

do know how prepare error or @ to the lowest degree still alter font without error.

here link image of error: error screenshot

thnx, appswiftgb

you have access label within button. -

self.testingkeyboard.titlelabel?.font = uifont(name: "helveticaneue-ultralight", size: 50.0);

swift fonts xcode6.1

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