Wednesday 15 September 2010

Grails application that copies and unzippes files from remote server to another remote server using SSH -

Grails application that copies and unzippes files from remote server to another remote server using SSH -

i'm new in java\grails\groovy. began create simple apps. i've got task create grails app that:

1) shows list of source zip files on remote server, available ftp , ssh

2) shows list of destination remote servers predefined target folders, available ssh

3) after choosing source zip , dest server copies zip target server\folder , unzippes. progress bar must shown.

4) performs additional commands, such ls or that

all configurations must either in config files or in database.

no info should hardcoded in app.

please help me take approach, plugin or framework.

any help appreciated

i've used jsch lot scp file transfer , remote exec using ssh , works well. utilize straight in java app, adding dependency jar in buildconfig.groovy

compile 'com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.51'

but trivial google search manage included "grails" , "ssh" tells me there's this plugin looks great, , this plugin looks great, , this blog post looks great, , this plugin uses different library looks great.

those options cover ssh , scp/sftp parts, , can utilize jdk back upwards zip files, e.g. , other related classes in package, unzip files. rest pretty straightforward, if need more help inquire more questions (one question per question).

grails ssh

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