Friday 15 July 2011

angularjs - Replace and transclude in link section of directive -

angularjs - Replace and transclude in link section of directive -

i have directive needs conditionally replace node on placed; replaces it, leaves is.

this in non-replace situation:

transclude(scope, function(clone){ element.append(clone); });

and works fine.

i able set on node replace template, transcluding it. how that?

the next seems work:

var node= angular.element('<a href="" role="button"></a>'); transclude(scope, function(clone){ node.append(clone); element.replacewith($compile(node)(scope)) });

use outerhtml replace:

element[0].outerhtml = '<a href="" role="button"></a>';

and compile template transclude it.


angularjs source: jqlitespec.js

angularjs directive

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