Friday 15 July 2011

ruby on rails - Paperclip - how to access saved file -

ruby on rails - Paperclip - how to access saved file -

every one! using paperclip upload files

class model include mongoid::document include mongoid::paperclip has_many :myfiles end class myfile include mongoid::document include mongoid::paperclip belongs_to :model has_mongoid_attached_file :file, :path => ":rails_root/public/uploads/:class/:id/:basename.:extension", end

my question how access uploaded file after saved? tried:

@model.myfiles.first.path @model.myfiles.first.url

it gives error:

nomethoderror: undefined method `path' #<myfile:0x007fd22b336f80>

thank much help!

try :)

@model.myfiles.first.file.path @model.myfiles.first.file.url

you can delegate fields if want

class myfile include mongoid::document include mongoid::paperclip belongs_to :model has_mongoid_attached_file :file, :path => ":rails_root/public/uploads/:class/:id/:basename.:extension" delegate :url, :path, to: :file, allow_nil: true, prefix: false end

then can use

@model.myfiles.first.path @model.myfiles.first.url

ruby-on-rails paperclip

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