Saturday 15 September 2012 - Filter fonts based on script support [Western, arabic, Greek, ...] in native C# (not P/Invoke) - - Filter fonts based on script support [Western, arabic, Greek, ...] in native C# (not P/Invoke) -

i trying fill drop downwards box font family names , have lot of fonts 600 , want cut down number based on user interface illustration when interface ltr (western) english language or french illustration need load fonts back upwards scripts nil more

right doing this:

installedfontcollection c = new installedfontcollection(); fontfamily[] fontf = c.families; homecoming => i.getname(0)).toarray();

when trying alter language identifier in getname method other value end same amount of result

i have values winnt.h header file can found here

i using c# 4.5 looking native c# solution without using p/invoke or @ to the lowest degree lastly fallback solution

c# fonts filter

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