Saturday 15 September 2012

c++ - OpenCL and OpenCV conflict -

c++ - OpenCL and OpenCV conflict -

in our project decided migrate opencl enhance image processing. after migration project didn't work. so, tried minimal code opencl , determinded if opencv in utilize project dosn't work.

for example

int main(){ cv::mat mat; std::vector<cl::platform> all_platforms; cl::platform::get(&all_platforms); std::cout <<"fertig."; homecoming 0; }

crashes @ cl::platform::get().

terminate called after throwing instance of 'cl::error' what(): clgetplatformids

i compiled with

gcc test.cpp -lopencl -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui

if allow out little commandline "cv::mat mat" fine. so, what's problem?

i using intel opencl driver: 1.2-

c++ opencv opencv3.0

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