Saturday 15 September 2012

model - Node.js - Mongoose path validation failing - TypeError: Cannot call method 'validate' of undefined -

model - Node.js - Mongoose path validation failing - TypeError: Cannot call method 'validate' of undefined -

i have next mongoose schema , path validaion:

var locationschema = new schema({ userid: { type: number, required: true }, location: { type: [{ type: "string", required: true, enum: ['point', 'linestring', 'polygon'], default: 'point' }], coordinates: { type: [number], required:true } }, tags: [{ type: string, index: true, required: true }], create_date: { type: date, default: } }); locationschema.path('location.coordinates').validate(function(coordinates){ homecoming coordinates && coordinates.tostring().match(/([1-8]?\d(\.\d+)?|90(\.0+)?),\s*[-+]?(180(\.0+)?|((1[0-7]\d)|([1-9]?\d))(\.\d+)?)$/g); }, 'invalid latitude or longitude.');

when start app get:

locationschema.path('location.coordinates').validate(function(coordinates){ ^ typeerror: cannot phone call method 'validate' of undefined

can advise why failing? note validate path('location'), starts fine.

to define field in embedded object named type, need define type using explicit object notation or mongoose thinks it's defining type of parent object instead:

var locationschema = new schema({ userid: { type: number, required: true }, location: { type: { type: [{ type: "string", required: true, enum: ['point', 'linestring', 'polygon'], default: 'point' }]}, coordinates: { type: [number], required:true } }, tags: [{ type: string, index: true, required: true }], create_date: { type: date, default: } });

node.js model mongoose typeerror

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