Saturday 15 September 2012

date - Convert MySQL Timestamp to Local Time in Javascript -

date - Convert MySQL Timestamp to Local Time in Javascript -

i've seen few questions this, none seem universal solution browsers.

on webpage i'm fetching mysql timestamp 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' in utc. however, need convert timestamp in javascript display time in local meridian format... (i.e.. 8:00 pm).

the closest solution found appending 'utc' mysql timstamp string , creating date object that. however, solution doesn't work in safari. in anyone's knows of solution please allow me know.

thank in advance.

converting mysql timestamp date object in js , using gettimezoneoffset() valid way it. according ecmascript specification date should : yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss, should format date correctly ( string replace(' ', 't') )

if still not working, list of date formats working across browsers described here

var d = new date(2011, 01, 07); var d = new date(2011, 01, 07, 11, 05, 00); var d = new date("02/07/2011"); var d = new date("02/07/2011 11:05:00"); var d = new date(1297076700000); var d = new date("mon feb 07 2011 11:05:00 gmt");

javascript date datetime datejs

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