Saturday 15 September 2012

routes - Laravel / Host Setup for Multi-TLD -

routes - Laravel / Host Setup for Multi-TLD -

basically ive written out 5 times, still dont know how ask, here goes...

i want 2 domains, , have registered. want them point 1 application i'm building, utilize laravel route 2 different domains there own pages... here i've tried , problems i've ran into...

** #1 domain forwards **

uploaded app , forwarded .info domain .net domain. , tried...

route::group(array('domain' => ''), function() { route::get('/', function(){ homecoming 'info page!'; }); }); route::group(array('domain' => ''), function() { route::get('/', function(){ homecoming 'net page!'; }); }); route::get('/', 'homecontroller@index');


laravel domain routing doesnt seem recognise domains without subdomains, eg '{subdomain}' work, '' , '' wont?

when domain forwarding, http_host show .net , not .info, cant utilize if or switch statement in routes file

alternative soloution

the soloution can think of utilize host's shared hosting setup have 2 individual sites, each appropriate domains pointing them , set ide upload both sites?

surely there improve way tho?

any help great, im pretty new if maintain simple please, thanks... jimmy

this seems work php artisan routes looks bit wrong.

i having problem having code pick lastly tld in list. this, although not perfect, seems best reply have found far.

laravel routes hosting multiple-domains tld

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