Friday 15 March 2013 - "is ambiguous" Error message in when nothing is ambiguous - - "is ambiguous" Error message in when nothing is ambiguous -

we have application gives random error situations.

we getting error messages this:

exception message: d:\xxxxxx\xxxxxx\artikkelit\bootstrapbartikkeli.aspx.vb(14): error bc30554: 'masterit_bootstrapb' ambiguous. <%@ page language="vb" debug="false" autoeventwireup="false" codefile="bootstrapbartikkeli.aspx.vb" inherits="bootstrapbartikkeli" masterpagefile="/masterit/bootstrapb.master" %>

problem there no double refrence masterit_bootstrapb. class name unique on site. of times error occurs when modify master or nested master. can resolve error re-saving master , application vb-file. requires many re-savings work. seems re compiling code in right order makes magic this...?

same application , master working fine on our test site thought.

how see actual source of "is ambiguous" error message? there way trace deeper this? 1 application making these erros thought have many other applications have same master file on without ambigious erros.

is possible our test site cause error message our production site? both sites on same server, on diffrent application pools.

its namespace ambugity, have added class , specifed namespace in class used assembly-wide rather class beingness part of assembly namespace.

its exclusively possible 1 of sites has different reference leading above.


you search on masterit_bootstrapb , check project doesn't have classes define @ class level. unfortunately visual studio (or other tools) not @ detecting these ambiguous errors..

you have provided name ambiguous , hence conflicts name. visual basic compiler not have conflict resolution rules; must disambiguate names yourself. master-pages ambiguous

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