Wednesday 15 May 2013

ios - Memory leak when uploading an image to texture with CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage -

ios - Memory leak when uploading an image to texture with CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage -

i debugged instruments, cannot find it:

cvpixelbufferref pixelbuffer; cvreturn err = cvpixelbuffercreatewithbytes(kcfallocatordefault, image_width, image_height, kcvpixelformattype_32bgra,, 4 * image_width, datareleasecallback, null, null, &pixelbuffer); if(!pixelbuffer || err) { nslog(@"cvpixelbuffercreatewithbytes failed (error: %d)", err); return; } cvopenglestexturecachecreatetexturefromimage(kcfallocatordefault, _backgroundtexturecache, pixelbuffer, null, gl_texture_2d, gl_rgba, image_width, image_height, gl_bgra, gl_unsigned_byte, 0, &_backgroundtextureref); _backgroundtexture = cvopenglestexturegetname(_backgroundtextureref); [_framelock unlock]; glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _backgroundtexture); gltexparameterf(gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_wrap_s, gl_clamp_to_edge); gltexparameterf(gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_wrap_t, gl_clamp_to_edge);

then in opengl draw method, after draw call:

... cfrelease(_backgroundtextureref); _backgroundtextureref = null; cvopenglestexturecacheflush(_backgroundtexturecache, 0);

i tried deallocate pixel buffer manually, fails in callback datareleasecallback of cvopenglestexturecachecreatetexturefromimage exc_bad_access. don't know else leaking there.


i commented out body of callback:

inline void datareleasecallback(void *releaserefcon, const void *baseaddress) { // free((void *)baseaddress); }

and can call:


without error , memory leak fixed. question arises utility of callback then?

ios objective-c memory-leaks opengl-es core-video

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